Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eating Out

This is what we do instead. What with 12 dollars worth of cheese (mozzarella and feta) some expensive, delicious kalamata olives various, one package of old fashioned ham and assorted other vegetables the toppings cost more than our average dinner. However, it is so good. I have to tell you, my dough this evening was definitely at peak performance. Warm weather and good kneading makes for happy stretchy dough. With our new stretching technique I once again managed to get the millimeter thin crust which was still crisp enough to crunch and strong enough to hold up some quality toppings. I managed to forget to get pineapple this evening so the kids had ham and BBQ chicken with feta pizza. I ate a little too much of it. The Mrs and I partook of the aforementioned olives and feta along with some spinach, zucchini, green peppers, red onions and mushrooms. There was nothing else made for dinner. However, the wife did help herself to some nacho chips with a bowl of pizza sauce for dipping.
I started the battle with the garden today. Hopefully by tomorrow the manure will be spread, the weed matting will be placed, the posts will be sunk and the seedlings will all be transplanted. Yeah it seems like a lot sitting here. Gambarre.

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