Thursday, March 26, 2009

I missed it.

Dang, I missed my blog anniversary. I think it is okay though. We had to drive to see the midwife today, everything is going great. Then we stopped for a visit at the friends where we stayed after the baby was born. Very nice. After a lightning fast dinner the wife had a baby shower and I didn't manage to escape after walking over the carrot cake she made. Then when we got home we had bath time, brush teeth, book time and bed time. Once that was done it was 11:00 at night. So the Mrs. and I sat down and watched The Wrestler. I enjoyed it. The wife wasn't so impressed. And now it is the 26th and I missed my Blog-versary.

Can you believe it has been 300 posts in the last year? I can't believe its been a year. I can't believe I have kept at it. I look and see that pizza is not the most made meal at our house but it is way up there. Yup lots of meals have been eaten but the blog has definitely shifted away from a strictly dinner blog and has become a nice record of our family's goings on.

I look forward to the next year and the oncoming fame and fortune. And remember. You were here at the beginning. Take care and talk to you tomorrow, although technically that is today now.

ps. We had pork stir fry for dinner. Nicely marinated because the wife was smarted enough to thaw it in the freezer over night.

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