Well we arrived in Vancouver last night. We actually got in by 11:00 so it wasn't so bad. The kids watched two dvd's in the car and though the son was a little car sick on the Hope Princeton all in all it was a good drive. Everyone was asleep by the time we got to my mom's house.
Today we went shopping and ran some errands. The wife had a hair cut. I paid a deposit at SFU (gonna take a math course on line). We bought brown rice and I managed to get a pair of used skates. I had budgeted somewhere around $65 for the skates. I figured I would go up as high as $100 but didn't really want to spend that. We ended up shopping at Cheap Skates on Dunbar in Vancouver. They are a consignment sporting good store. So stuff starts at full price and then goes down a bit every week for 10 weeks. Well I managed to find a $30 pair of skates that were in week nine. Total with tax. $3.36. Nice get. With all the leftover money we bought the daughter a wrist watch and some DVD's for the drive home. The biggest score was a Raising Arizona dvd in the $5.00 bin. Wicked, wicked, wicked.
For dinner this evening we whipped up a pot'a pasta with a salad and some garlic bread. Nothing super special but lots of food served hot. The daughter had a crazy eating night. I think she saves it up and when she likes what she sees she just goes to town. Good day. Tomorrow is looking to be more of the same. Weeeeeeee!!!!
There will be pictures after we get back home as we brought everything but the USB cable. Whoops.
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