Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't freak out.

I lost the battle of wills and Kiyomi has been admitted to hospital.  She will be getting essentially the same treatment she would be getting at home.  Only now one of her parents has to be at the hospital 24 hours a day.  If I am not mistaken (which I may very well be) then Kiyomi will recover from her infectious mononucleosis within the next two weeks.  My guess would be that it would have been about the same amount of time were she to have stayed home.  We will never know.  Time to put the boys to bed. On a positive note, I will not be nursing Kaz so his days as a baby may be drawing to a close.  On the other hand it may be a long night.


Allison said...

Who needs a job teaching kindergarten when you have a kid with mono. Rough business!!

Rachel Catriona said...

Despite the advice in your title: I am freaking out!
Is this standard care in Japan for mono?
Poor Kaz.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy! Send my love to everyone. I didn't think you were going to win that one.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy! Send my love to everyone. I didn't think you were going to win that one.